
BC LNG: the time is coming

We shake our collective Alliance heads when we get zealous comments such as these posted on our social media channels: “LNG is dead, dead, dead.” “LNG is a thing of the past.” “Do you not understand that LNG is gone and we must move on renewables?” A thing of the past? This is not what …

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The road to energy literacy

It’s easy to define energy literacy as “an understanding of the nature and role of energy in the world and daily lives.” But that definition, from a government education program, then adds a tough twist. It says this understanding must be “accompanied by the ability to apply this understanding to answer questions and solve problems.” …

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LNG, CO2, methane and emissions

Environmental NGOs continue to oppose LNG using all tactics available.  Their latest issue is suggesting that BC won’t meet its emission targets if it allows LNG plants to proceed. The plants will be big greenhouse-gas emitters, opponents say, and that’s on top of GHGs emitted by natural-gas wells and processes. “You can’t have LNG and …

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Help from eco-activists? Be wary

The fact that we exist as an Alliance hangs on this: There are many First Nations who support responsible LNG development, and the benefits to our nations and communities that flow from it. We’d been wondering when national media would catch on to the tactics of some anti-development and eco-activist groups who have recruited First …

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Our blog is . . . a First Nations lens

Love that we don’t have to start our new blogspace with a dictionary definition, especially one such as this: “A blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.” Well, OK, our blog may turn out to …

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First Nations LNG Alliance Newsletter