Our Nov. 22 webinar discussion on reconciliation included these comments from participants:
- Kim Baird, Alliance advisor: ‘Economic reconciliation is just one branch of a broader reconciliation that needs to happen in Canada. Reconciliation means to me, at its simplest level, the respect of Indigenous rights and cultures, and to restore everything that First Nations have had taken away from them, whether it’s political rights, legal rights, and economic rights.”
- Clifford White, hereditary chief of the Gitxaala Nation: “Economic reconciliation is . . . the recognition of the traditional territories of our people and making sure that there’s inclusion of our people. . . . We need to make sure that our people are included at all levels so that they are part of the economic reconciliation; not just the few that may be in leadership positions, but all of our people.’
- Jackie Thomas, Saik’uz Nation councillor: “Economic reconciliation is about us being a part of the economy for a change from minor roles. We’ve all had minor roles in our communities . . . and now we’re taking a bigger step. . . . First Nations, when we’re treated like true partners, will ensure we have regional stability.’
- Andrew Robinson, Nisga’a Lisims government: “Economic reconciliation really begins from that truth-telling perspective of what is an ally? . . . And how do you work with us, work with Modern Treaty nations, work with Indigenous nations, in regards to achieving a common goal?”
The recording of the webinar is on Zoom at http://ow.ly/uGNU50LM6Yn, and the password is 12AhtHM. (The password does include that period at the end). The webinar was moderated by Lisa Mueller of the Nation2Nation First Nations Business Forum, and our Alliance outreach leader.
Note: You’ll find the formal introduction of the event and speakers is missing at the start of the recording.
BC LNG to Asia, and its domino effect
After Ottawa gave a cold shoulder to Germany’s call for Canada to send it LNG via the East Coast, attention turned to a different route for supplies to Europe.
In short, exporting Canadian LNG to Asia would free up more LNG from the U.S. (some of it made with Canadian natural gas) so that the U.S. could meet more of the LNG demand from Europe.
Not as financially rewarding for Canada, perhaps, but probably more realistic than exports from Canada’s East Coast, at least for some years.
The Alberta government’s Canadian Energy Centre declared: “Mainly destined for Asia, LNG shipped from B.C. could help divert other world shipments to Europe.
“’More Western Canadian LNG would allow a lot of the other sources to go to Europe. It’s like a domino,’ said Matthias Bloennigen, director of Americas consulting with Wood Mackenzie.
The Energy Centre added: “Asia represents 67 per cent of world LNG demand today, and that share is expected to grow as demand doubles to reach 700 million tonnes per year by 2040.
“Over the coming decades Canada has a massive opportunity to ship LNG from the British Columbia coast to supply customers in northeast Asia, according to a new report by Wood Mackenzie.”
That report, from UK-based WoodMac and the Canadian Energy Centre, also found that supplying Canadian LNG to Asia could reduce emissions by the equivalent of removing every vehicle from Canadian roads.
- The full report: http://ow.ly/Qpth50LwfFl
North American LNG good for decades
Management consulting firm McKinsey & Company (which has offices in some 130 cities and 65 countries) said North America has the potential to provide affordable natural gas that could address energy security and help decarbonization.
The McKinsey report’s headline: “How North American natural gas could alleviate the global energy crisis.”
“The region has potential to provide this low-cost, alternative energy source—and it could be activated quickly,” said McKinsey.
“North America could meet more than 30 years of domestic and LNG export demand, even when factoring in demand growth.”
- The McKinsey report: http://ow.ly/zE1U50LJ82g
Another step forward for Cedar LNG
The BC Environmental Assessment Office has completed its assessment of the proposed Cedar LNG Project, a project of the Haisla Nation in partnership with Pembina Pipeline Corporation.
Provincial and federal authorities then have up to 45 days (starting on Nov. 16) to decide whether to issue an environmental assessment certificate, not issue a certificate or require further assessment.
- Learn about Cedar LNG: http://ow.ly/Iq8v50LJ8fw
- Canada has fallen well behind in building its LNG industry, and is missing out on billions: http://ow.ly/aR4M50LJ8tV
- Conference Board of Canada: Indigenous ownership in major projects is growing: https://bit.ly/3E2pBBi
- Robert Merasty: How will Canada build major energy projects again? The key is Indigenous ownership: http://ow.ly/cl8y50LKj58
- Three major energy-services firms and the Haisla Nation partner to service LNG projects in BC http://ow.ly/bG8X50LBUMO
- Could Alaska import LNG from #BC? Two utilities are looking into it: http://ow.ly/9kWP50LJ3bS
- Podcast: Paul Wells talks to Susannah Pierce of ShellCanada on how Shell intends to reach net zero, and why reducing the carbon tax may be bad for business. Listen here: http://ow.ly/OExu50LGwcq
- Resource Works hosts a lunch event in Vancouver on Tuesday Nov. 29: What will it take to get to Net Zero? Can Canada really get there? You can register here: http://ow.ly/yRoz50LFe8O
- Clean Energy BC’s First Nations Energy Summit 2023 is scheduled for Jan. 17-18, in Vancouver. Info/register: http://ow.ly/xqWq50LLB2y
- Registration is open for the 20th annual BC Natural Resources Forum, Jan. 17-19 at Prince George: http://ow.ly/4Irx50LyLRo
- Indigenous Nexus 2023 (“Bringing common sense and sensible environmentalism to natural-resource development”) takes place Jan. 25-26 in Calgary: http://ow.ly/9oMv50Ly5YC
- New dates have been set for the National Coalition of Chiefs’ Clean Energy Summit: now Feb. 16-17, 2023, Tsuut’ina Nation (near Calgary). Info/Register: http://ow.ly/xwmn50Lqhgg
- The seventh Indigenous Resource Opportunities Conference is scheduled for Feb. 28-March 1: https://www.bciroc.ca/
- The First Nation’s Major Projects Coalition has set its 2023 Values Driven Economy Conference for April 24-25 in Vancouver. Early-bird discount ends Dec. 15. Register here: http://ow.ly/aKUX50KKKnh
- The Canada Gas and LNG Exhibition and Conference runs May 9-11, 2023, in Vancouver: http://ow.ly/YxcZ50LjFM1
- The Forward Summit’s 2023 event is set for May 17-18, at the Grey Eagle Resort & Casino near Calgary. Registration: http://ow.ly/Q8ZV50K7FYb (Note that there’s an Indigenous discount.)
- The Indigenous Partnerships Success Showcase now has announced dates for its 2023 event: June 1 and 2 in Vancouver: Learn more: http://ly/IZC850LH58j
- The Global Energy Show is set for Calgary June 13-15, 2023. Info: http://ow.ly/UvTL50LjFlM
- The Carbon Capture Canada convention comes to Edmonton, Sept. 19-21, 2023; http://ow.ly/UBnw50LjFu0
- The International Gas Research Conference will be held in Banff AB in May 2024. Our Karen Ogen-Toews is on the national organizing committee. Conference website: https://igrc2024.org/
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(Posted here 27 November 2022)