Opinion Article

LNG and natural resources = billions for BC

Our thanks to Resource Works for compiling the facts and figures below: The BC government draws billions in revenues from British Columbia’s natural-resource industries. The province’s latest fiscal plan looks to earn $3.2 billion from natural resources in 2024-25, up from $3 billion in 2023-24. And it forecasts $3.4 billion in 2025-26 and $3.8 billion …

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International Energy Agency outlook open to question

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has called itself “the most authoritative global source of energy analysis and projections.” That may once have been true, but in recent years it’s open to question, especially since the IEA has taken to painting theoretical “scenarios” of energy possibilities. They’re based on what the IEA calls “stated policy scenarios …

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Blog: Things B.C. election candidates need to know, on LNG and more

With the B.C. election coming up October 19, here are some things that candidates need to know about First Nations, LNG development, and natural resource extraction: First, forget the myth that Indigenous Peoples largely oppose resource development. That myth should have died with a national survey in 2022 that found 65 percent of Indigenous respondents …

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Federal anti-greenwashing law: You’re guilty until you prove your innocence

For our latest blog, our thanks for the following article to Resource Works, the B.C.-based not-for-profit supporter of responsible natural-resource development and a supporter of our Alliance:  In its latest display of environmental correctness, the federal government passed a new anti-greenwashing law that requires individuals or organizations making claims or promises about the climate benefits …

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First Nations LNG Alliance Newsletter